Rising Leadership North Dakota

Rising Leadership students with a professor

Rise to the Occasion

Develop key professional skills, network with industry leaders, and prepare to find your calling with North Dakota’s premier student leadership experience. Hosted by the University of Mary, Rising Leadership North Dakota is an immersive summer enrichment program designed to equip driven high school students like you for lifelong success. You’ll learn from expert mentors, explore your career interests, and gain hands-on experience as you enjoy a preview of college life on our welcoming campus. Rise to the occasion and join us for RLND!

The RLND Experience

During your four days on campus, you’ll have access to:

  • One-of-a-kind learning activities coordinated by our partner, Sanford Health.
  • First-person simulation experiences in the areas of business and health care.
  • Exclusive skill-building workshops led by established community leaders.
  • Focused interaction with faculty representatives from the Gary Tharaldson School of Business and the Saint Gianna School of Health Sciences.
  • Formative networking opportunities with local innovators and like-minded peers from across the state of North Dakota.


Reach out to University of Mary Workforce Development at 701-355-5166 or email.

Other Programs Through Workforce Development

Leadership North Dakota – designed to help working adults build strong leaders in North Dakota.